NEWCOM & Flex Force Speaking at NSA Annual Conference 2022
Date: June 30th
Time: 10:30 AM
Location: Kansas City Convention Center, Kansas City, MO

The NSA Annual Conference is one of the largest of its kind and displays products and equipment relevant to every facet of police work, jails, prisoner transport, and courtroom security. There are also numerous seminars and workshops covering all aspects of the duties and responsibilities of Sheriffs’ offices, including, but not limited to, law enforcement, jail operations, service of process, transportation of prisoners, and court and judicial security.
Presentation Date/Time:
Thursday, June 30th at 10:30 AM
Presentation Description:
The Future of Drone Defense in Public Safety
The rise in drone usage across the United States has reached an all-time high. Drone operators are required to follow specific rules regarding when and where to fly, more importantly where not to. What happens when a drone operator creates an unsafe situation for the public? Even worse, what if the operator’s intentions are to cause harm? How can law enforcement mitigate the threat? Let our experts walk you through a few real-world examples and articulate some options that are available today for law enforcement. Then, we will take a look into the future. How will technology and drone use evolve? How do we stay ahead of the element? We will allow time at the end of the presentation to address your questions on the topic.
What to expect from NEWCOM & Flex Force presentation:
During this session industry experts will walk through common public safety threats caused by drones. The real to life scenarios covered in this session represent the dangers to public safety and come from interactions and discussions with law enforcement leaders. We will cover the solutions available in the market today and how they enable law enforcement to mitigate drone threats, and their varying degrees of success.
By the conclusion, the audience should have a much clearer understanding of the situational threats caused by drone operators, but inadvertent and nefarious, as well as the best, mission proven solutions to deal with these issues.
Jim Carman
Director of Sales, NEWCOM

Jake Sullivan
CEO, Flex Force Enterprises, Inc.

More about NEWCOM and Flex Force: Dronebuster®
NEWCOM is committed to the safety and security of the public through the delivery of counter UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles) equipment to law enforcement agencies. As part of the direct relationship, NEWCOM is authorized to demo, market, and provide full training and certification of the Dronebuster® equipment.

If interested in more information our process involves an application process to determine approval for purchase. Fill out the form below to start the process.
Flex Force developed the Dronebuster® Counter Unmanned Aerial System (CUAS) equipment of RF jammers to address the expanding problem of malicious drones. The Dronebuster® equipment represents the highest levels of performance for man-portable C-sUAS RF defeat systems available. With more than 1000 Dronebuster® systems sold and fielded with military and law enforcement customers around the globe, the Dronebuster® has been proven to be highly effective against commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and modified COTS drones. The Dronebuster® is designed to interrupt the control of the drone by overwhelming the control frequency. This causes the drone to either stop and hover, or return to the operator, depending on the model of the drone. Whether looking to add long-range mitigation capabilities to a secure facility or to a dismounted multi-sensor kit for rapid deployment, the Dronebuster® products make it simple.