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Dell EMC Cloud Disaster Recovery

Simple, Cost-Effective Disaster Recovery to the Cloud

With the growing transition to cloud computing, many organizations are looking to leverage the cloud to enhance their disaster recovery (DR) plan. In the past, organizations found DR to be expensive and difficult to manage (servers, backup, and systems), but the options to reduce the costs and complexity were limited. In fact, DR testing and recoverability were often manual and did not include a routine checklist with pre-planned activity. Most organizations are not confident of recovering in a timely manner when disaster strikes, but this is where Dell Technologies comes in.

Dell EMC data protection reduces time to recover in the event of a disaster by up to 85%.

As a Gold Partner of Dell Technologies, NEWCOM is trained to answer your questions about Dell EMC Cloud Disaster Recovery. For organizations looking to the cloud as a disaster recovery option, Dell EMC Cloud Disaster Recovery (Cloud DR) allows enterprises to copy backed-up Virtual Machines from their on-premises PowerProtect DD using Data Protection Suite, PowerProtect DP series appliances, or PowerProtect Data Manager environments to the public cloud (AWS, AWS GovCloud, Azure, Azure Government) to orchestrate DR testing, failover, and failback of cloud workloads in a disaster recovery scenario. These workloads can be run directly in the public cloud, so the full deployment of your on-premises data protection solutions in the cloud is not required in order to protect and recover your Virtual Machines.

Simple Deployment and Management

Leverage what you know and own – Dell EMC, VMware, AWS, Azure, AWS GovCloud, Azure Government

Extend the existing on-premises data protection infrastructure.

Add and manage Cloud protection from your familiar Dell EMC GUI

Easy HTML5 UI to directly monitor protection and manage recovery flows in the cloud

Simplified, Fully Orchestrated DR

Test DR then promote to Failover

Orchestrated failover of workloads to AWS, AWS GovCloud, Azure, Azure Government in case of disaster

Direct recovery to VMware Cloud or on-premises vCenter

3 click failover, 2 click failback

The restore servers within the cloud are spun up only if the primary data center is not available and decommissioned when no longer needed, which is more cost-effective than having hardware up and running within the public cloud. Delivering a consistent experience by extending your existing on-premises data protection to the cloud delivers a familiar user experience, thus requiring minimal education and training, and direct in-cloud access, monitoring, and reporting. Additionally, organizations can manage, recover, failback and test DR plans through the Cloud DR Server (CDRS) UI. Cloud DR takes advantage of the agility and cost-effectiveness of cloud object storage (AWS S3 or Azure Blob), requires minimal footprint in the public cloud, as well as minimal, compute cycles, delivering a highly efficient disaster recovery solution.

Why Contact NEWCOM?

NEWCOM is a valued, Gold Partner of Dell Technologies and is able to answer questions and provide solutions tailored to your Dell technology needs. Based in the metropolitan Boston area with operations nationwide. Our expert project team of engineers offers turnkey solutions for commercial and public sector markets ranging from system analysis, design, installation, implementation, and system management, and raises the bar for the highest standards for customer support. Partnering with Dell Technologies allows NEWCOM to provide the critical link between IT solutions and business optimization providing customized, best-in-class solutions that are designed to maximize our client’s technology investment in the face of the on-going technological change. 

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Reference: Dell Technologies. Solution Brief. Dell EMC Cloud Disaster Recovery. Reference Number: H16867