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The Super Simple Basics:

Smart Tiering is Cost-Effective and Easy to Implement

If you are like most IT professionals, you know what application tiering means, but have probably not defined things like RTO/RPO/Tiers, or do not have agreement on definitions with your business leaders. You may think doing so requires a six figure project with a big five consulting firm and are trying to make do without getting too far into specifying a viable tiered DR architecture.

In fact, that level of effort is not required, and not developing a tiered DR solution is actually more expensive than putting one together.

Tiering is for any size business, not just for large enterprises and global corporations. Any business can use the same basic approach and best practices – if they have the right partner – without needing a huge team of people and a six figure budget.

Companies of any size can implement a solid multi-tier BCDR (Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery) architecture. They can reduce their one-time and ongoing costs and improve the overall resiliency of their business at the same time.

Keep It Simple

Tiering is all about figuring out how long your business can afford to go without having access to the applications users depend on to do their jobs. The reality is your operation uses some mission critical applications all day, every day. There are others, however, that you only need from time to time.

While it’s technically feasible to use the same level of protection for every application, it’s not cost-effective and often means under-protecting more critical applications. The trick is dividing your applications into four groups, or tiers, and then implementing the right amount of protection for each tier.

The bottom line is that making smart choices in setting up your tiers can save money while improving the ability of your operations to withstand any type of outage or disaster.

Learn more and explore some of the factors which will govern the selection of the right solutions for any type of outage or disaster with NEWCOM engineers.

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