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Revolutionizing Emergency Response Starts in the Emergency Communication Center

The First to Respond

During times of personal crisis and community disasters, 911 serves as the primary access point for emergency services. Local and county emergency communications centers are the initial contact for those in need of immediate assistance.

Most of us do not see the behind-the-scenes reality of the scenarios 911 operators face. Beyond their professionalism, it’s their humanity that truly sets them apart. They’re not just voices on the other end of the line; they’re compassionate individuals who offer reassurance, guidance, and support to those in distress. Whether it’s a medical emergency, a natural disaster, or a criminal incident, they’re there, ready to lend a helping hand and a sympathetic ear.¹

Every time the 911 line rang, my heart would drop to the floor. But watching the professional dispatchers handle each call with such grace was nothing short of inspiring. Their ability to remain calm under pressure, gather crucial information, and dispatch resources swiftly and accurately is a testament to their unwavering dedication to public service."

Morgan JFounder of The Reclaimed Ranch,

National Public Safety Telecommunications Week

NEWCOM recognizes the second full week of April (April 14-20, 2024) as National Public Safety Telecommunications Week. This week, sponsored by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International and celebrated annually, honors the thousands of men and women who respond to emergency calls, dispatch emergency professionals and equipment, and render lifesaving assistance to the citizens of the United States.

Revolutionizing 911 Services

Effective emergency response relies on rapid and reliable communication and secure data. Technology has revolutionized emergency services like 911, improving efficiency, accessibility, and effectiveness.

Technology at their Fingertips

There is a wide array of technology solutions that aid 911 dispatch from the moment a call is made, to first responders arriving on scene. They use hardware such as computer terminals, headsets, radios and more to perform, but their technology goes beyond these trusted devices.

Furthering Safety with Cybersecurity

Emergency Communication Centers rely on digital technology, heightening the risk of cyber threats. Investing in strong cybersecurity solution allows agencies to safeguard sensitive data and preserve the security of their communication systems. These agencies are responsible for protecting confidential information, such as personal details of citizens and sensitive information connected to situations that could endanger those involved.

Streamlined Coordination

Many agencies work with one another to respond to emergencies efficiently as possible. GPS and Fleet Management Systems work together to pinpoint assets, shortening the window between a 911 call and arrival on scene. Dispatchers can direct the nearest first responders to an incident with the help of geolocation and mapping technologies within seconds.

How can NEWCOM help?

NEWCOM is focused on safety and security. This includes securing mission critical data and systems. From hardware, GPS and telematics, to a well-rounded cybersecurity approach, NEWCOM works with your agency to solve problems and reduce risks.

NEWCOM is a system integrator and solution provider of advanced technology for fleet safety. Our expert team designs solutions that maximize an agency’s investment in the face of ongoing technological change ranging from system analysis, design, installation, implementation, and system management, and raise the bar for the highest standards for customer support. To learn more, visit
