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Industry-leading technology solutions for public sector and healthcare organizations 

Products that have capabilities to achieve new levels of productivity and operational efficiency

Whether your mission is public safety, government agency operations, or healthcare services, people count on you every day. And your success is largely determined by your ability to deploy and integrate cutting-edge mobile technology solutions.

As an industry-leading systems integrator, NEWCOM works closely with leading manufacturers like Zebra to deliver real-world solutions that maximize the mobility of your workforce. From efficient data capture and simplified collaboration to better asset management and enhanced information security, we offer solutions that deliver unprecedented connectivity and provide accurate real-time visibility of your total environment. Because visibility and mobility are essential to the missions you undertake every day.

NEWCOM brings world-class integration services to Zebra’s broad portfolio of mobile computers, rugged tablets, printers and barcode scanners.

NEWCOM explores new and emerging technologies to find the best mobile solutions

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We provide efficiency services to prepare for what is coming in emerging technologies. And we deliver effective quality work to avoid wasting materials, energy, efforts, money or time.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][/ultimate_icon_list][ultimate_icon_list icon_size=”40″ icon_margin=”25″][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-paint-brush” icon_color=”#f48122″]

System Design

We provide the critical link between mobile technology and business systems, providing customized solutions that maximize return on your technology investments.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][/ultimate_icon_list][ultimate_icon_list icon_size=”40″ icon_margin=”25″][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-cogs gears” icon_color=”#f48122″]

Project Management

With a dedicated customer interface, we manage system design, project requirements, customization and third-party integrations to meet your schedules and milestones.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][/ultimate_icon_list]

Why contact NEWCOM?

NEWCOM is a valued, trusted partner of Zebra Technologies and is able to answer questions and provide solutions tailored to your technology needs. Based in the metropolitan Boston area with operations nationwide. Our expert project team of engineers offers turnkey solutions for commercial and public sector markets ranging from system analysis, design, installation, implementation, and system management, and raises the bar for the highest standards for customer support. 

NEWCOM, an IT trusted partner for business optimization provides customized, best-in-class solutions that are designed to maximize our client’s technology investment in the face of ongoing technological change.

More about Zebra Technologies

The Zebra brand speaks directly to front line workers across all our verticals and explains what it means to empower their performance edge.

Here’s what that means: Growing customer expectations are fueling an on-demand economy and the need for compelling experiences. In response to this trend, Zebra Technologies, an innovator at the edge of the enterprise with solutions and partners that enable businesses to gain a performance edge, is helping companies across many industries digitize their operations and improve their performance to stay relevant and compete in today’s marketplace. While innovation began at the core of the enterprise, today it is exploding at “the edge,” where employees make real-time decisions and interact directly with the people they serve. With expertise in technology that transforms the way work gets done, Zebra is empowering the front line to be better, faster, and smarter.