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5 Reasons Mobile Technology is a Must-Have for Pest Control Professionals

Next-Gen Mobile Technology offered by Brother Mobile Solutions 

Are your technicians bugged by time-consuming manual transactions?  Are you eager to eliminate inefficiency and boost the productivity of your pest control fleet?  Do your customers feel trapped by error-prone handwritten documents? Sounds like the time is right to invest in next-gen mobile technologies, which are becoming ubiquitous for on-the-go field services professionals in industries like pest management.

Here are 5 reasons why forward-thinking pest control firms servicing industrial, commercial, and residential clients are finding that mobile tools – including smartphones and tablets, cloud-based networks, apps, and printers – are delivering measurable value:

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Flexibility and Freedom

Equipping your technicians with mobile devices and reliable, easy-to-use wireless mobile printers frees them from the wasted time and errors of handwritten paper-based customer transactions. Mobile printers that feature MFi Bluetooth® wireless technology and across-the-board operating system compatibility make it fast and simple to print a wide range of high-resolution documents, receipts, and labels virtually anywhere, anytime, from nearly any device. Compact and lightweight yet rugged enough to withstand all types of environments, the printers can easily be carried in a backpack, hooked on a belt, or mounted in a vehicle. The Brother PocketJet is the leading full-page mobile printer in this industry, but our four-inch RuggedJet is also popular with pest management professionals. Added advantages are Brother’s thermal technology, which eliminates the need to deal with inks or toners, plus battery life that lasts through the workday.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][/ultimate_icon_list][ultimate_icon_list icon_size=”40″ icon_margin=”25″][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-mail-forward share” icon_color=”#f48122″]

Up with Productivity

Capitalizing on mobile technology to send and receive data, work orders, instructions, customer histories, and route changes in real-time is a boon to productivity and efficiency, minimizing technician downtime. At the same time, using a mobile printer to print out high-quality full-page or small-format documents, invoices, instructions, or photos on the spot at any client site allows your technicians to complete transactions faster, so they can serve more customers in less time.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][/ultimate_icon_list][ultimate_icon_list icon_size=”40″ icon_margin=”25″][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-mail-forward share” icon_color=”#f48122″]

Happier Customers

On-demand access to information via their mobile device improves pest technician responsiveness to customer needs, streamlining their ability to resolve issues on the spot, answer questions, or upsell services. With a durable mobile printer, it’s easy and convenient to print reports, invoices, care instructions, equipment labels, receipts, project estimates, special offers, and compliance documents. Plus, eliminating the need to handwrite documents means faster service and better accuracy, contributing to higher customer satisfaction.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][/ultimate_icon_list][ultimate_icon_list icon_size=”40″ icon_margin=”25″][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-mail-forward share” icon_color=”#f48122″]

Improved Compliance

Servicing diverse clients means you need to comply with an evolving variety of health, safety, and environmental regulations that vary by state, region, and type of industry – making secure transactional data capture and an accurate paper trail vitally important. Technicians equipped with mobile printers can seamlessly print out any required leave-behinds, ranging from a detailed list of the chemicals used in remediation to inspection reports, material information sheets, and pesticide warning labels.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][/ultimate_icon_list][ultimate_icon_list icon_size=”40″ icon_margin=”25″][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-mail-forward share” icon_color=”#f48122″]

Competitive Edge

In today’s highly competitive environment, mobile solutions that include advanced mobile printing technology are becoming increasingly critical for pest management firms. By supporting highly responsive customer service, efficiently meeting customer compliance needs, and improving technician productivity, durable and versatile mobile printers that deliver on-demand, on-the-go documents help bolster your brand and professional image – giving you a valuable competitive edge in gaining and retaining clients.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][/ultimate_icon_list]

More About NEWCOM?

NEWCOM is a valued, trusted partner of Brother Mobile Solutions and is able to answer questions and provide solutions tailored to your technology needs. Based in the metropolitan Boston area with operations nationwide. Our expert project team of engineers offers turnkey solutions for commercial and public sector markets ranging from system analysis, design, installation, implementation, and system management, and raises the bar for the highest standards for customer support. 

NEWCOM, an IT trusted partner for business optimization providing customized, best-in-class solutions that are designed to maximize our client’s technology investment in the face of the on-going technological change.

More About HaaS model?

Businesses striving to serve customers in today’s challenging times, this Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS) model is designed to help businesses acquire the state-of-the-art mobile and industrial printing and labeling technology they need to maintain efficient and competitive operations. HaaS can be a perfect fit for parking management officials seeking to implement solutions to improve customer service without a major strain on the bottom line.

With the unveiling of the new RuggedJet Go series and the PocketJet Series, we are delivering a solution specifically designed to help meet the demands of mobile printing for today’s growing number of “on-the-go” businesses.

*Shift & Print Subscription Service is subject to credit approval.


Panjwani. R. Brother Mobile Solutions. (2010, January 10).5 Reasons Mobile Technology is a Must-Have for Pest Control Professionals. [Blog post]. Retrieved from