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Cyber Recovery with Dell Technologies

Building Business Resilience to Protect Against a Destructive Cyber Attack

What is Cyber Recovery? And Why Does It Matter?

Regardless of the industry, data drives today’s enterprise. The global marketplace relies on the constant flow of data across interconnected networks, and digital transformation efforts put even more data at risk. The increase in volume and value of data presents an opportunity for criminals using modern tools and tactics — in fact, 68% of business leaders state their cybersecurity risks are increasing (Accenture). The modern threat of cyber attacks and the importance of maintaining the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of data require modern, proven solutions and strategies to protect vital data and systems.

Unfortunately, in today’s data-driven environment, traditional Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity are not enough to address modern cyber threats.

“69% of respondents lack confidence that they could recover all business-critical data in the event of a cyber attack.” – Dell Technologies Global Data Protection

Although cyber attacks take many forms and attackers have a variety of motivations the target of their efforts is consistent: destroy, steal, and ransom valuable digital data for financial gain, social or political purposes. Cyber Recovery, sometimes called Isolated Recovery, is a new segment of data protection solutions designed to address the modern threat of ransomware and other cyber threats to limit the spread of malware and reduce the surface of an attack on a global basis.

Dell Technologies Cyber Recovery
[ultimate_info_banner banner_desc=”The stability of a company’s revenue and very existence hinges on its ability to isolate data and ensure its availability to support a post-cyber attack business continuance strategy and recovery operations.”]

Why Contact NEWCOM?

NEWCOM is a valued, Gold Partner of Dell Technologies and is able to answer questions and provide solutions tailored to your Dell technology needs. Based in the metropolitan Boston area with operations nationwide. Our expert project team of engineers offers turnkey solutions for commercial and public sector markets ranging from system analysis, design, installation, implementation, and system management, and raises the bar for the highest standards for customer support. Partnering with Dell Technologies allows NEWCOM to provide the critical link between IT solutions and business optimization providing customized, best-in-class solutions that are designed to maximize our client’s technology investment in the face of the on-going technological change. 

Authorized Gold Partner

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