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Home Healthcare Agencies Can Deploy Mobile Technology

Serving Patients Effectively with Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS)

For homecare agencies in today’s uncertain times, a HaaS procurement model can pave the way for acquiring the mobile printing technology home care clinicians need to serve patients, without undue stress on the bottom line.

There are proven technology solutions such as mobile printing that pair seamlessly with homecare software enabling on-the-go visiting nurses or other mobile clinicians to efficiently and effectively provide patient-centric home care. Mobile printing enables caregivers to print full-page documents on-demand in the home. This includes a wide array of important documents including plans of care, medication, and drug interaction guidelines and caregiver instructions, caregiver instructions and signed release forms.

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Today’s Healthcare Climate

Home healthcare organizations are facing unprecedented challenges in today’s healthcare climate: as the U.S. home care market is poised to grow exponentially in the coming years to support the growing senior population, the industry is grappling with overwhelming operating constraints, a shortage of home health clinicians and ever changing regulatory requirements like the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM).


A flexible investment option for home healthcare

Purchasing and deploying the latest technology can pose a significant challenge, especially for home healthcare organizations who are both budget and resource strapped. For these reasons, a procurement option like Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS) offers a flexible, cost-effective solution.

With HaaS, technology acquisition costs are shifted to an operational expense (OpEx) rather than capital expenses (CapEx), making the acquisition of the most advanced technology less of a financial strain. This translates to a predictable monthly payment for hardware, accessories, and even warranties instead of a large, single investment upfront. HaaS opens the door to deploying advanced, scalable technology solutions with industry-leading equipment resulting in improved clinician productivity from top hardware performance along with reduced downtime that may arise from supplies that are out of stock.

Solutions made for in-home clinician workflow

Home healthcare agencies are well aware of the fact that accurate documentation leads to enhanced communication both for the in-home recipient and supports collaboration for the entire care team. For clinicians who are printing documents as leave-behinds at the site of care, up-to-date technology offers a streamlined way to communicate information to their colleagues about the patient’s care. Additionally, for a care base largely made up of elderly patients and family or friends supporting their care who must navigate constantly changing care plans and medication lists, or care instructions, mobile printing can be critical.

Brother’s Shift & Print Subscription Service can include all Brother accessories such as chargers, cables, and cases, and our comprehensive limited warranties covering device replacement or repair.

Technology that supports today’s requirements, and tomorrow’s innovation

Home healthcare operational leaders are realizing HaaS offers a flexible option to acquire the necessary solutions to replace outdated legacy equipment and keep in-home clinicians happy and effective. From a business perspective, it offers tangible benefits too. For other organizations, HaaS has been instrumental in reducing internal IT strain and maximizing operations, while allowing them to innovate their hardware and software.

Now more than ever, home healthcare organizations must evolve to meet the trifecta of regulation requirements, market demands, and patient expectations. HaaS is a proven technology procurement model that enables strategic investment in the infrastructure that can support enhanced care delivery, along with clinician, and patient satisfaction.

*Shift & Print Subscription Service is subject to credit approval

Why Contact NEWCOM?

NEWCOM is a valued, Reseller Partner of Brother Mobile Solutions and able to answer questions on behalf of BMS printers and services. Our NEWCOM Engineers design and propose the right comprehensive printer systems based on our clients’ requirements. We take inventory of what you currently are using in the field for mobile printer technology to make sure what product will work best for your feature requirements.

Authorized Reseller Partner

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More about Brother Mobile Solutions

Brother Mobile Solutions (BMS) capitalizes on innovative technologies and processes that boost efficiency, productivity, and bottom-line performance. Putting its principles into action, BMS equips thousands of its technicians with mobile technology designed to speed transactions, ensure compliance, and help improve customer satisfaction.