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The Fulcrum SaaS Platform and How It Works!

A no-code platform

Fulcrum is a no-code platform that enables users to create custom mobile apps to automate workflows, improve operational processes, and integrate with existing systems to make you and your company more productive.

NEWCOM is part of the Fulcrum Leverage Partner Program allowing us to deliver solutions to customers at a scale with unparalleled time to value.

“Fulcrum’s mobile inspection software has made it easy to increase productivity with a no-code digital application to build work forms. I see many companies we work with investing in this software.”

- Dov KoplovskyOwner & CEO - NEWCOM

How it works…

A team will help you build complex custom forms that collect, store, and present your data exactly the way you want it. This will allow you to learn how to leverage conditional logic to show fields based on values entered in other fields. You can also use data events to automate actions such as custom alerts when certain events are triggered and can calculate values dynamically based on data input.

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Customization and Setup

A team will help you build complex custom forms that collect, store, and present your data exactly the way you want it. This will allow you to learn how to leverage conditional logic to show fields based on values entered in other fields. You can also use data events to automate actions such as custom alerts when certain events are triggered and can calculate values dynamically based on data input.

Set up the best workflow for your project requirements with dedicated support time with an  Engineer to ensure API functionality. Plus – your synchronized database Fulcrum project can be on your own server by importing existing data into Fulcrum with proper geocoding and formatting.

Why Contact NEWCOM?

As a strategic technology partner, the NEWCOM team is trusted and trained on the value of  Fulcrum’s enterprise technology platform to help deliver a digital transformation for your company. We can build, maintain, and enhance infrastructure to match the technology with the software application that best fits your design. Our goal is to help you optimize safety and quality inspections, protect property, and secure assets with Fulcrum.

Contact NEWCOM, Fulcrum Leverage Partner!

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