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SteriFlight UVC Germicidal Irradiation

SteriFlight uses the most advanced UVC technology

Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) is a disinfection method that uses short-wavelength ultraviolet (ultraviolet C or UVC) light to kill or inactivate microorganisms by destroying nucleic acids and disrupting their DNA, leaving them unable to perform vital cellular functions.

SteriFlight Uses UVC

Ultraviolet (UV) means “beyond violet” and refers to a range of electromagnetic waves with a shorter wavelength (higher frequency and energy) than visible violet light. UV is divided into three types with reducing wavelengths and increasing energy. They are UVA, UVB, and UVC. For UV sterilization, only UVC (100-280nm) has high enough energy to effectively kill microorganisms.

SteriFlight Is Effective

UV sterilization is effective for viruses and bacteria, foodborne pathogens, natural microbiota, molds, and yeasts.

Proven Technology

The application of UVGI to disinfection has been an accepted practice since the mid-20th century. It has been used primarily in medical sanitation and sterile work facilities.

[icon_counter flip_box_style=”advanced” box_border_style=”solid” box_border_size=”1″ icon=”Defaults-lightbulb-o” icon_size=”65″ icon_color=”#ebb542″ icon_style=”circle” block_title_front=”How Does It Work?” front_heading_tag=”h4″ block_text_color=”#ffffff” block_desc_color=”#ffffff” block_front_color=”#4f3e3c” box_border_color=”#ebb542″ block_desc_back=”UV disinfection or ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) works by breaking down certain chemical bonds and scrambling the structure of DNA, RNA and proteins, causing a microorganism to be unable to multiply. When a microorganism is unable to multiply, it is considered dead since it cannot reproduce within a host and is no longer infectious.” block_back_text_color=”#ffffff” block_back_desc_color=”#ffffff” block_back_color=”#4f4443″ box_border_color_back=”#4f4443″ height_type=”ifb-custom-height” box_height=”200″ cont_align=”on”]


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[icon_counter flip_box_style=”advanced” box_border_style=”solid” box_border_size=”2″ icon=”Defaults-flask” icon_size=”65″ icon_color=”#ebb542″ icon_style=”circle” block_title_front=”CHEMICAL FREE” front_heading_tag=”h4″ block_text_color=”#ffffff” block_desc_color=”#ffffff” block_front_color=”#ebb542″ box_border_color=”#ebb542″ block_desc_back=”No degradation to your environment equipment and without chemical residue” block_back_text_color=”#ffffff” block_back_desc_color=”#ffffff” block_back_color=”#4f4443″ box_border_color_back=”#4f4443″ height_type=”ifb-custom-height” box_height=”200″ cont_align=”on” ult_param_heading=””]

Why contact NEWCOM?

NEWCOM is a valued Partner of SteriFlight and can easily answer questions and help to explore options for your SteriFlight deployment. Our NEWCOM Engineers design and propose the right comprehensive product solution based on your department’s integration requirements.

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